Riverside, CA Family Lawyer

Enforcement of Settlement Agreements

When the terms of a divorce are finalized, both spouses are expected to stick to any and all agreements that were made. If your ex-spouse fails to live up to his or her end of the bargain, you have the right to take legal action through an enforcement of settlement agreements.

Make Your Settlement Agreement Stick

Settlement agreement disputes can take many forms. A spouse may fail to come up with scheduled alimony or child support payments. Spouses may agree to sell their house, and then balk at the originally agreed-upon division of payment. What started out as a simple agreement can quickly become a complex legal matter.

Whatever the case may be, a good family lawyer can help you hold your ex accountable. In some cases, unavoidable financial hardship may be behind the lack of payments—in this case, your lawyer can mediate a modification of your court orders. Other times, your ex-spouse may be lashing out. In this case, a court can hold your ex-spouse in contempt and issue an enforcement order compelling him or her to abide by the original terms of your agreement. In some cases, being found in contempt may even lead to penalties such as additional fines and jail time.

Our Riverside Family Attorney Has Extensive Experience

Our firm’s Riverside family lawyers have extensive experience in representing clients as they pursue the enforcement of their settlement agreements. If the terms of your settlement agreement are not being met, contact us for a free consultation with a top Riverside family lawyer today.