Riverside, CA Family Lawyer

RIverside Child Custody Lawyer

During divorce proceedings, some of the most difficult choices you will have to make will be those involving your children. Child custody decisions involve the extent to which your children will have contact with each parent, and can be one of the most hotly contested elements of a divorce trial. With a good Riverside family lawyer by your side, you can be sure that the focus stays on your child’s best interests above all else.

Protecting Your Child’s Best Interests

Years ago, it was generally assumed that the mother would always receive primary custody. These days, there are no longer any “rules” governing which parent will be a child’s primary caregiver. Rather, variety of factors concerning both parents must be considered, such as:

Whether you are pursuing divorce through mediation or litigation, a good Riverside child custody lawyer can provide guidance through this process, offer viable parenting plan solutions, and make sure you are represented fairly.

Consult Our Riverside Family Attorney

Divorce trials can quickly take a turn for the vindictive and emotional, especially where children are concerned. We are here to ensure that your children’s objective best interests don’t get lost in the shuffle. If you are facing a divorce and are concerned about child custody issues, contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our top Riverside family lawyers today.